Covid-19 Update We are fully operational under Covid level 4 and will be continuing to offer our full coaching & assessment programmes throughout this time via our online portal & through Zoom video conferencing.
Discover the perfect career for you today
Everybody has gifts. What are yours?
A career that matches your natural abilities will make it easier to get out of bed in the morning, to pursue a confident work life and enjoy more job satisfaction. Discover your natural gifts here.
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I had no idea what I wanted to do and it really gave me some direction. That direction was incredible for me.
- Jo, Auckland
How CareerSure’s aptitude and talents assessment can help you
For more than 20 years CareerSure has been providing career guidance to Kiwis of all ages to find the perfect career for them. Here’s why:
1. Accuracy and a proven record
We assess your aptitudes and your natural abilities, based on 90+ years of scientific research. Aptitudes are used by more than 70% of Fortune 500 companies to help them hire the right people for the job.
2. An assessment grows with you
Regardless of your age or where you are in your career - beginning, end or slap bang in the middle - CareerSure will meet you at your level and grow with you. Your career is a lifelong journey, not a one-off and we will be with you every step of the way.
3. Renewed confidence and clarity
It's not just about a list of careers. It’s about understanding which careers are for you, and why they suit who you are. Discover more about yourself, grow your confidence, find your natural gifts and learn to recognise areas of challenge.
4. Got questions? Want answers now?
Start your assessment today and standby for your step-by-step report. For questions and support, you’re welcome to call us or send an email – we’re always here.
5. Your guarantee
CareerSure is committed to offering you true and actionable information about your career, so we’ll give you a 30-day satisfaction money back guarantee*. If you’re not satisfied, give us a call to talk it through. If you’re still not satisfied, we’ll give you your money back.
The enlightenment of how to utilise her own skills and other peoples skills, gifts, talents and aptitudes. That's been really beneficial to her.
- John, Teenagers Father
How do I choose the right career for me?
Choosing the perfect career can be a struggle and it requires understanding three key areas about yourself - your aptitudes, temperament (personality) and interests. When you combine all three it provides a roadmap not only to ideal careers but also gives you an insight into your strengths and how you tailor your tasks to fit those strengths and succeed at a high level.
What is Career Counseling?
Career Counseling (or Career Guidance) is the process of uncovering which careers best suit you based upon your interests, temperament (personality) and abilities. It gives you the information to make an informed decision about the path to take for your career. It can introduce you to a range of careers that you may not be aware of or confirm a particular preference. It's not about locking you in to one particular career but rather helping you understand your strengths and how they fit perfectly with a range of particular careers.
Why is career counseling important?
Put simply - we don't know what we don't know. Career counseling is extremely important not only in uncovering the right career path for you but also in understanding more about yourself and how you work to allow you to succeed in whatever path you choose. It's important to know not only the steps you should be taking now but also how you should be planning your future to ensure a rewarding and fulfilling career.
When should I get Career Counseling?
Whenever you are going through a change in career or thinking about your future career. Your aptitudes settle at around 15 years of age and so it is recommended to get some career guidance at around 15-16 years of age to begin to understand your aptitudes and temperment and how they fit with careers. It is also key at this time to be choosing the right subjects to give you the greatest benefit for your future careers.
If you are frustrated with your current job or questioning your study choices it's best to seek career advice sooner rather than later to avoid wasting time, money and additional frustration.
What college subjects should I take?
It can be daunting knowing what are the right subjects to be taking now to best help you in the future. That's why it's important to know your particular strengths so you choose subjects that will provide you the greatest number of career choices that suit you. The CareerSure program assesses your aptitudes and provides you with a full list of suggested subjects based specifically upon your strengths to give you the best path for your future.
What tools are used for Career Guidance?
Tools used for Career Guidance fall into one of three categories - Aptitude, Temperament/Personality or Interest/Skill. Each focus on a different aspect of the individual & how that relates to the career they should choose. Aptitude assessment looks at your natural strengths and abilities, and matches those with the tasks required by particular careers. Temperament/Personality helps determine factors about your preferred working environment such as your interaction with others, and uses those to identify careers that fit with those factors. Interest/Skill questionaries have the individual answer a set of questions about particular tasks they enjoy or believe they are good at and determine careers that use those tasks. All three have different pros and cons so ideally should be used in conjunction with each other however aptitude assessment provides the most stable and determinative results.